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Members // Organizations // Universidad Tecnológica Nacional


Universidad Tecnológica Nacional


Uriel Rubén Cukierman

About UTN

he National Technological University has its institutional origin in the National Workers University, created by means of Law No. 13,229, sanctioned on August 19, 1948 after extensive debates, promulgated on 26 and published in the Official Gazette on August 31 of the same anus.

In reality, the National Workers University was born some time before, by an initiative of the Engineer Pascual Pezzano, professor of Mechanical Technology at the Otto Krause Industrial School. Pezzano, author of specialized books, made a trip to Europe visiting the best polytechnics in the world. Upon his return, and outside of class hours, he invited the students to participate in meetings, the purpose of which was to share their experiences abroad. In those meetings, back in 1940, he explained that he had developed the project of a Higher Technical Institute for the Otto Krause school graduates who wanted to continue their studies in their specialty. In those years the Faculty of Engineering of the UBA did not exist (founded in 1952), and the specialty was studied in the Faculty of Exact Sciences.

About the Representative

Uriel Rubén Cukierman

Uriel Rubén Cukierman received a professional degree in Electronic Engineering from the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN), Argentina, and a master’s degree in Enterprise Information Systems Management from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain. He is presently working on his PhD thesis in the area of Learning Sciences at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina.

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