Corporate Member

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Dassault Systèmes


Xavier Fouger

About Dassault Systèmes

Dassault Systèmes provides software solutions that allow customers to create innovative new products and services using virtual experiences. Their aim is to build a new development model to address the major challenges facing the world today.

About the Representative

Xavier Fouger

An Industrial Engineer, former Science Attaché in Vienna, Xavier Fouger joined Dassault Systemes in 1990. He developed new innovation processes for various automotive manufacturers in Germany and Korea. He created the corporate organization in charge of global academia. He designed cutting edge learning initiatives for secondary and vocational education in the USA, Malaysia, Canada and France where he introduced a STEM program for 11,500 middle/high school students. He initiated PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) competency centres in India, China, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, South Africa, Vietnam and Argentina.

He manages research funded by US and European agencies on virtual labs, collaborative engineering, 3D in MOOCs, Problem Based Learning and textbook virtualization. He helps institutions and governments in transferring into educational programs emerging industry practices such as social innovation, precision agriculture, the Internet of Things or Systems Engineering. A founding member of IFEES and GEDC, steering committee member of SEFI, he provides lectures and seminars on innovation management in various engineering and business schools. He was awarded the 2016 Peter the First medal of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia for significant contribution to the development of engineering and engineering education.

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2025 today!

We are honored to announce that our Rising to the Top book series has added TWO new volumes!

Rising to the Top provides an intimate and inspiring look into the experiences that have shaped the lives and careers of women engineering leaders from around the world. By openly sharing their personal journeys in these pages, the authors hope to not only inspire the next generation of engineering leaders, but also provide valuable insight into the challenges facing women engineers around the world, and the opportunities that are theirs for the taking.