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Environmental & Social Assessments: Why? When? How?

Dr. Elizabeth Losos will discuss the need for environmental and social assessments to ensure that  infrastructure projects are sustainable. 

Many instruments, guidelines, and programs exist to help address this challenge, but how does one choose between them? When in the project cycle should they be considered? And how do you build the capacity to  use them? 

Dr. Losos will also introduce a new network, the Sustainable Infrastructure Community of Learners (SI-CoL),  that aims to help create access to high-quality sustainable infrastructure expertise, tools, and guidelines by  infrastructure practitioners (e.g. engineers, government agencies, financiers, etc.) across the globe. She will  draw from the example of the Fellbaum Community Health Center in Kenya to illustrate how a community of  practice could help bring sustainability considerations into similar infrastructure projects across the region. 


Elizabeth Losos is a senior fellow at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy  Solutions at Duke University. She has been exploring policies to mitigate the environmental  and social risks from large-scale infrastructure projects in the transportation and energy  sectors. Her current work is focusing on promoting the development of sustainable  infrastructure as a critical element of the post-COVID-19 recovery. Dr. Losos and her  colleagues at Duke University and the UN Environment Program are leading the Sustainable  Infrastructure Community of Learners (SI-CoL), an international network of individuals and  organizations dedicated to building capacity development for sustainable infrastructure  development.  Dr. Losos formerly was president and CEO of the Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS), a  global consortium of universities and research institutes with the mission of promoting education, research, and the  responsible use of natural resources in the tropics. She was also the director of the Smithsonian Institution’s Center  for Tropical Forest Science, a global network of large-scale forest research plots. Dr. Losos holds a Ph.D. in biology and a master’s degree in public administration and international affairs from  Princeton University and a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University.

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