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Application of the Flipped Classroom method: the case of VILNIUS TECH

When the academic community, lecturers hear the term “flipped classroom” usually imagine this method implementation only in social science and this method is more intended for school. But we have successfully gradually implemented this method in our university in more than 30 subjects from different fields: from economics, languages, management, and law, to engineering graphics, thermodynamics, constructions of buildings, electrical energetics engineering, environmental engineering, material mechanics, biomechanics, etc.

Flipped classroom and active teaching methods are suitable for bachelor’s studies, as well as for master. It can be adopted for general and special subjects.

During this webinar, it will be presented general information about the Flipped classroom, also our experience in implementing and spreading this method in our academic community VILNIUS TECH. It will be presented the process of planning, implementing and assessment, as well as will be given examples of different methods of execution.


Dr. Vaida Šerevičienė joined the Environmental Engineering Faculty of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH) in 2008. In 2012 she defended her PhD in Environmental Engineering and started working as a lecturer in the Environmental Protection and Water Engineering department. She uses different teaching methods in the subjects which she is teaching. In the 2021 year in the subject Clean Technologies, she successfully implemented a Flipped classroom method.

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