

Immediate Past President
United States of America
Wahid Azizi
Vice President
United Kingdom
Tania Bueno
Vice President
Global Engagement & Inclusion
Renetta Tull
Vice President
Diversity Equity
United States of America

Executive Committee

Patricia Caratozzolo
Steven Goh
Seong-Woo Kim
South Korea
Michael Milligan
United States of America
Laura Eugenia Romero Roblre
Ariela Sofer
United States of America
Yash Tadimalla
United States of America
GEDC Chair (Ex Officio)


Hans Jürgen Hoyer
IFEES Secretary General
GEDC Executive Director
Jessica Londoño
International Communications Manager
Byndoor Athrey Navda
Software Associate
Deborah Donovan
Laura London
Kayla Hellal
Web Development
Nikhil Chukka
Software Associate

President Elect

Luis Manuel Sánchez Ruiz


European Society for Engineering Education

Professor Luis Manuel Sánchez Ruiz is currently Vice President of SEFI, the European Association for Engineering Education. He is Director of the Latin America Affairs Office at Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV, Spain), and member of the Academic Board of Aerospace Engineering at ETSID-UPV where he lectures Applied Mathematics to Aerospace Engineering students.

Luis Manuel Sánchez Ruiz has been employed by Technical University of Valencia (UPV, Spain) since 1980 where he became Full Professor in 2000. He had been a Visiting Professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA on several occasions during 1992-99. He has worked with Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design Engineering students. Since 2005, his lecturing addresses to Aerospace Engineering. He has full language competence in English and Spanish, can communicate in Italian and French, and can follow Portuguese.

He has published over 10 textbooks for Engineering students and 150 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings. His research interests include Engineering Education as well as Functional Analysis and its applications. His supervised dissertations in these fields show the spectrum and transition STEM -> STEAM and comprise: “Study of some barrelledness conditions in locally convex spaces (2002)”, “Analysis, proposal and development of some objective measure in 123/-mIBG scientigraphies for neuroblastoma patients (2015)”, “Computational assessing model based on performance and dynamic assignment of curriculum contents (2016)”, and “STEM subjects face the Haptic Generation: the iScholar (2020)”.

Former IFEES Executive Member during 2017-19 and 2020-22, Member of the Board of Directors (Administrative Council) of SEFI, UPV Director for Research and Innovation Area, Director of the UPV Programs Office with USA/Canada and Asia/Pacific, Academic Co-ordinator of Mediterranean University of Science and Technology, Vice Dean and Head of International Relations at ETSID (UPV).

He has been Academic Coordinator of several transnational programmes financed by the European Commission such as Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Programme IDEAS, Innovation and Design for Euro-Asian Scholars involving universities from India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Bhutan and Nepal, or a triple degree programme between UPV, University of Parma and New Jersey Institute of Technology NJIT. He has been working for IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Program Committees. He has participated in several EACEA projects such as ACADEMICA meant to harmonise and update Higher Education in Central Asia (Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan), THINKING SMART related to Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialization (RIS3), and B-GREEN-ED to boost the green future via university micro-credentials.  He has participated in international events hosted by ASEE, Zhejiang University and Education Committee of Chinese Academy of Engineering, IIIT, CAST, FEAIP, ICEE at Tsinghua University, World Engineering Education Forums (WEEF), ASEF events such as Asia-Europe Education Workshops, and ECED European Convention for Engineering Deans being co-Chair of the one organized by ETSID-UPV in Valencia 2015 and currently co-chair of the European Deans Engineering Council within SEFI.

Currently, member of the SEFI Board of Directors, UPV Director Latin America Affairs Office, UPV Liasion at CESAER “Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research”, member of Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae Editorial Board, and Guest Editor of several special issues of scientific journals, Consultant Professor at NPU (Xi’an, China) and Coordinator of GRIM4E, GRoup of Innovative Methodologies and assessment For Engineering education at UPV.

President (2022 - 2024)

Stephanie Farrell

United States of America

Indo-Universal Colloboration for Engineering Education

Dr. Stephanie Farrell was the Interim Dean of the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering at Rowan University and Professor and Founding Chair of the Department of Experiential Engineering Education (ExEEd). Stephanie began her career as a faculty member in the Chemical Engineering Department at Louisiana Tech University. She joined Rowan as a founding faculty member of the Chemical Engineering Department in 1998, where she served until launching ExEEd in 2016.

Stephanie is past president of the American Society for Engineering Education, and she has served two terms on the IFEES Executive Committee. For the last decade, she has been actively involved in the Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education, serving as an international partner, teaching certification cluster leader, and IFEES representative.

Stephanie leads Rowan’s Revolutionizing Engineering Diversity organizational change initiative, funded through NSF’s Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) Program. She is on Rowan’s ADVANCE team for organizational change to promote intersectional gender equity in STEM, and she leads ASEE’s national initiative to promote LGBTQ+ inclusion in engineering, both funded by NSF.

Stephanie’s contributions to engineering education have been recognized with numerous national and international awards. She has been honored by the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) with several teaching awards such as the National Outstanding Teaching Medal and the Quinn Award for experiential learning. She received the highest award from the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP), the Nikola Tesla Award for outstanding achievements in engineering pedagogy. She received AIChE’s national award for Service to Chemical Engineering Education. Stephanie was the 2014-2015 Fulbright Scholar in Engineering Education at Dublin Institute of Technology (Ireland).

Vice President

Wahid Azizi


Royal Academy of Engineering

Wahid Azizi is a Programme Manager at the Royal Academy of Engineering, managing the Engineering X ‘Skills for Safety’ programme previously called Engineering Skills where they are Most Needed (ESMN)

Wahid started managing Skills for Safety programme when it launched in 2019. Wahid has developed and managed programme activities including launching and manging grant schemes in 20 countries around the world to further skills for safety through engineering education, designed and launched the safety champions in engineering education fellowship programme, and the Skills for Safety series of quarterly webinars. 

As part of gathering evidence and insight to further evidence base and identify global skills for safety gaps, Wahid is managing the second series of the Global Engineering Capability Review (GECR) 2023 research project aiming to promote safer engineering practices around the world. Wahid, also managed the development of the GECR 2019 – the first output of Engineering X. 

Prior to joining the Royal Academy of Engineering, Wahid, an engineer by training, worked as an advisor/manager managing humanitarian, post conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction, and development projects and programmes in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He manged lifesaving projects in refugee camps in Pakistan in addition to managing a national rural roads programme in Afghanistan. 

He holds MBA from Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK, and MSc. Chemical Engineering, from Kabul Polytechnic University. Wahid is a multi-talented engineer who was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship and attended a one year Urban and Regional Development Studies fellowship programme at MIT, USA. In addition, he was awarded a two-year scholarship by UNITAR/Japan.

Wahid is an enthusiastic engineer, qualified project manager, and development professional with twenty years of experience dedicated to making the world a better and safer place to live and to connecting with professionals with the same goal. 

Vice President
Global Engagement & Inclusion

Tania Cristina D’Agostini Bueno


Institute of Electronic Government, Intelligence and Systems

Tania Cristina D’Agostini Bueno is a consultant in the area of Knowledge Engineering for Software Development and Researcher. Chairman of the Scientific Council Institute for Electronic Government and Intelligence and Systems – i3G and Permanent Founding Member. Special adviser at the Federal Medical Council in Brazil. She completed the Ph.D. in Production Engineering from Federal University of Santa Catarina in 2005, completed the master’s degree in Production Engineering from Federal University of Santa Catarina in 1999, and completed a specialization in Software Engineering with UML, in Senai / CTAI, Florianopolis/SC. 

She received a nomination in “Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 2008-2009” for her work in the area of Information Technology and “Who’s Who in the World 2007” for her work as a researcher and manager. She has also been chairman of the board of the company Web Intelligence Systems S/A and its Commercial Director, and has practiced Law for 5 years. She coordinated the projects MGov2, Ontolegis and Ontojuris (projects with international financing in cooperation with several universities in Latin America and Europe). She is member of the TECLIN project  launched by Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) – an UNESCO Chair of linguistic technologies. She has published 91 papers in conference proceedings, has 9 book chapters and two books published. She participated in the development of ten software products (patented five and two are in the process of obtaining registration), two processes or techniques and other 31 items of production technique. She participated of eighteen research projects, and coordinated 6 of them.

Vice President

Renetta Tull

United States of America

University of California Davis

Dr. Renetta Garrison Tull is the University of California Davis’ inaugural Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), which houses Academic Diversity, the Office of Campus Community Relations, four centers, and Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (DEI within the medical school, nursing school and health center). She also serves on the Chief Diversity Officers Council for the University of California, and has several programs and boards within her portfolio including HSI initiatives, the Police Accountability Board, Diversity and Inclusion Education and strategic planning, 4 centers, and more.

She formerly served as Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Development and later, Associate Vice Provost for Strategic Initiatives at UMBC. She had a detail within the University System of Maryland’s headquarters (for 12 institutions), serving as the Director for Pipeline Professional Development Programs, and she has been either Co-PI or PI on National Science Foundation grants within the Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP), ADVANCE, and Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) programs. At Davis, she is PI of the PROMISE Engineering Institute, a collaboration between UC Davis and UMBC, with connections to engineering schools within the UC, and engineering schools in Maryland (UM College Park, Morgan State, and Johns Hopkins) to form an engineering “East-West” collaboration.  Her degrees in electrical engineering and speech science are from Howard University and Northwestern University, and she has had faculty roles at UW-Madison, University of Maryland College Park, UMBC. She was inducted into Tau Beta Pi, the engineering honor society, and participates in faculty activities as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC Davis, and a faculty affiliate in the Interdepartmental Program on Human Rights Studies.  

An international speaker on global diversity in STEM, Dr. Tull was a Global Engineering Deans Council/Airbus Diversity Award Finalist, and has received the ABET Claire L. Felbinger Award for Diversity, and the Student Platform for Engineering Education Development Global Mentoring Award. She has been involved with Puerto Rico’s ADVANCE Hispanic Women in STEM, the Latin and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, UNESCO, the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES) community, and her research interests in Humanitarian Engineering continue through sharing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She is an author of a chapter of Rising to the Top, IFEES book on global women in engineering – which will be featured at the World Engineering Education Forum in 2021, and was part of the consensus committees for the National Academies’ “Impact of COVID-19 on the Careers of Women in Academic STEMM,” and “The Science of Effective Mentoring in STEMM. Tull enjoys her work as an education policy strategist and champion for equity. 


Patricia Caratozzolo


International Association for Continuing Engineering Education (IACEE)

Dr. Patricia Caratozzolo has over 30 years of experience in engineering education leadership, administration, teaching, and research in engineering. Dr. Patricia Caratozzolo Martelliti is an Electronic Engineer from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (UBA). She completed her doctoral studies at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Spain, at the Institute of Industrial Robotics, with a Ph.D. thesis on electric generation systems for hybrid vehicles, in June 2003. She worked for several years at the National Center for Technological Research and Development (Cenidet) as a professor-researcher, where she directed six master’s theses in energy control in electric and hybrid vehicles. 

Caratozzolo is an Assistant Professor at the School of Engineering and Sciences and a Full Researcher at the Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico. In the field of Sustainable Engineering, Caratozzolo works in technological innovation in the energy sector (Optimization, design, and efficiency in generation systems, transmission and distribution of electrical energy, management of reactive power, incorporation of renewable sources); competencies and technical skills in collaborative groups; development of Critical Thinking and Case Analysis. In the field of Educational Innovation, Caratozzolo currently leads research projects funded by several institutions: ERASMUS Capacity Building, NOVUS, and Challenge-Based Research Funding of the Tecnológico de Monterrey. Her projects are related to the design of didactic strategies to enhance the linguistic corpus of students, interdisciplinary laboratories for developing critical thinking, the use of Storytelling and Podcast for developing soft skills in engineering, and Natural Processing Language tools for assessing digital skills in Higher Education. In the last two years, he has published over 25 articles in conferences, journals, and book chapters related to educational innovation in engineering, developing skills for Industry 4.0, and strategies for increasing employability and establishing a lasting culture of lifelong learning in engineering.

Caratozzolo is a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of Women in Engineering (WIE), a Council Member of the Mexican Chapter of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD), a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) of the Mexican Council of Educational Research (CONACYT), and Vice President of the International Association of Continuing Engineering Education (IACEE). As the Vice President of IACEE for Member Engagement and Communication since 2022, Caratozzolo promotes global sustainability initiatives and strategic partnerships for continuing engineering education. Caratozzolo has been associated with IACEE since 2018 and became a Council member in 2021. At IACEE, she is currently the General Chair of the next IACEE 2024 World Conference held in Fundacion Comillas, Comillas, Spain, in June 2024.

Steven Goh


Australasian Association for Engineering Education

Associate Professor Steven Goh is a seasoned executive, highly credentialed engineer, a degree-qualified accountant, and awarded academic. He practiced as a professional design engineer before joining academia in 2006. His doctoral thesis was in understanding the innovation processes and inhibitors within micro-manufacturers in a regional university- industry collaboration context. He completed his BEng (Hons) in Manufacturing & Materials at University of Queensland, MBA (Tech Mgt) at Deakin University, Master of Professional Accounting and Engineering Doctorate at University of Southern Queensland, and a Diploma in Company Directorship from the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is a Fellow of Engineers Australia, Chartered Professional Engineer, and Engineering Executive, recognized in the practice of Mechanical Engineering, and Leadership & Management.

He was awarded the USQ Faculty Award for Excellence in teaching (Early Career) 2008, USQ Associate Fellow 2009, USQ Senior Fellow 2010, and USQ Citation 2010, and the Australian Government’s Office of Learning and Teaching 2015 Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning. He served on University of Southern Queensland’s (UniSQ) Academic
Board and Faculty Board for 7 years. He served as the 2012 QLD President, a non-executive director of National Board in 2015, Mechanical College Board member, and Congress Member of Engineers Australia. He currently serves as the Editor (Strategic) for the Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and is the current President of Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE). His research interests are in engineering practice (Biomedical Engineering), engineering education, and engineering management. His expertise includes management of innovation,
commercialization of R&D, mechanical design, and supply chain management.

Dr. Seong-Woo Kim

South Korea

Korean Society for Engineering Education

Dr. Seong-Woo Kim is an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Engineering Practice, Seoul National University (SNU), where he also serves as an Adjunct Professor in multiple programs, including Civil & Environmental Engineering (smart city major), Technology Management, Economics and Policy, and the Transdisciplinary Graduate Program in Smart City Global Convergence.

In addition, he is an Advisory Professor for Ludic Culture Studies and the Study of Future major in the College of Liberal Studies. Dr. Kim also directs the Autonomous Robot Intelligence Lab at SNU. Before returning to SNU in 2014, Dr. Kim was a postdoctoral associate at the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology. He is a coach and faculty advisor for the SNU Solar Car Racing Team.

His hands-on approach to engineering is demonstrated through his passion for both demolition and construction of buildings and structures. As part of this, he played a key role in initiating the makerspace, Idea Factory, from the ground up and developed a new curriculum/program for the space.

Dr. Kim’s extensive service includes various leadership roles such as Director of the Carbon Neutral ESG Future Leading Practical Problem Research Center (2022-), Associate Dean in the Department of Engineering Practice at SNU (2022-2023), and Vice Chairman of the Steering Committee for the Social Contribution Competition of the SNU Institute for Global Social Responsibility (2021-2022), and a sabbatical as a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University (2023-2024). He is a member of several prestigious groups, including the Seoul National University Professor Social Responsibility Group, the Faculty Meeting for Creativity Education, and the Academic Society for Appropriate Technology.

Additionally, he has been the Director of International Cooperation for the Korean Society for Engineering Education (KSEE) since 2017.

Michael K J Milligan

United States of America


Michael K. J. Milligan is the Chief Executive Officer of ABET, the global
quality assurance organization focused on college and university
programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering and
engineering technology.
Prior to joining ABET in 2009, Milligan was a systems director at the
Aerospace Corporation, leading a team at the NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center developing the next generation environmental satellites for
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Milligan served over 24 years as a career U.S. Air Force officer working
in operations, education, international research & development, and
technology acquisition. During his USAF career, he served as an
associate professor and deputy department head in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering at the U.S. Air Force Academy in
Milligan earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, his
M.S.E. from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, and his B.S. from
Michigan State University — all in electrical engineering. He also earned
an M.B.A. in Business Administration from Western New England
College, is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in Colorado and
Maryland, and a Certified Association Executive (CAE).
Milligan is a member of the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society,
IEEE Eta Kappa Nu Electrical and Computer Engineering Honor Society,
and a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE).


Laura Eugenia Romero Robles



Dr. Laura Eugenia Romero Robles currently serves on the LACCEI board as Past President. During her presidency, she served as General Chair of the first hybrid conference that LACCEI organized, which broke all past participation and financial records, and signed a LACCEI-SPEED Collaboration Agreement to assist SPEED with recuperating the chapters that were lost during the pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean. Additionally, she was on the founding Executive Committee of a joint gender diversity initiative called Open Latin American Chair CAL Matilda organized by LACCEI, the Argentinian Engineering Education Association (CONFEDI) and the Colombian Engineering Education Association (ACOFI). During her presidency she was active writing papers to promote LACCEI, including one she presented at WEEF 2022 on the initiatives launched by LACCEI during the pandemic that provided means to survive the challenges and provided a profit and increased participation in its virtual conferences and initiatives. During her presidency an LACCEI initiative was launched to provide infrastructure for countries that did not have national Engineering Deans Councils, which has continued to grow to impact four countries.

Dr. Robles Romero is a Professor and Associate Director of the Engineering Division of the Monterrey campus of Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. She is very proactive and has led new Nanotechnology curriculum development in Mexico that has been adopted in multiple campuses, she has led the national quality accreditation and international accreditation through ABET of the majority of the programs in her division and is undergoing training this summer to become a EurACE evaluator to bring this International Engineering Program Quality Seal to her university. She has led new

Currently and as Director of the Engineering Division, she leads the regional programs for national and international accreditation of 17 engineering programs, achieving the ongoing CACEI and ABET accreditation.

As part of her intellectual vitality, she has published her work in international conferences such as Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions (LACCEI), The IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF) and The International Congress on Educational Innovation (CIIE/IFE) sharing her experiences with teachers and researchers worldwide.

Her research in her discipline has led her to be an advisor for more than 40 undergraduate and graduate theses in the disciplinary areas of nanotechnology, materials chemistry, as well as in bio and nanotechnological actives with high potential for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory use with potential application in the pharmaceutical and dermo-cosmetic industry. Among them, the following thesis stands out:

Determination of cytotoxicity parameters and antioxidant capacity of purified biomass of the microalgaeporfirudium cruentum. (2012) Student: Carlos Granados Contreras. Academic Advisors: Laura E. Romero and Victor Javier Lara.

a. This thesis was awarded third place in the National Chemistry Award for the Best Undergraduate Thesis organized by the Chemical Society of Mexico.

b. The poster won first place in the poster competition of the January-May presentation of TEC research projects.

These works have led her to publish her research in Q1 journals, divulgation articles, as well as one book chapter and 4 experimental books to support engineering education. Her broad commitment to the development of engineering education has led her to become President of LACCEI in 2022 and her work motto is the “Full inclusion of minorities and vulnerable groups”. During her presidency of LACCEI, she organized the International Multiconference in Boca Ratón Florida and the LEIRD 2022 Conference with the topic “Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions”. She was also the winner of the highest teaching award of her Institution with the Inspirational Teacher Award 2022. The same award was won regionally as well as nationally. Dr. Romero has international presence belonging to the Board of important organizations such as LACCEI, CAL Matilda and INGENIA, with national and Latin American impact.

Ariela ofer

United States of America

George Mason University

Ariela Sofer is a Professor and Divisional Dean of the Volgenau School of Engineering in the College of Engineering and Computing at George Mason University. She previously served as Interim Divisional Dean (2020-23) and as Associate Dean for Administration and Faculty Affairs (2018-23). Prior to that she served almost 16 years as chair of the Systems Engineering and Operations Research Department. She is co-author of the textbook “Linear and Nonlinear Optimization,” published by SIAM Books in 2008 (and in an earlier edition by McGraw Hill, 1996), coeditor of 3 edited volumes and author /coauthor of over 50 refereed publications.

Dr. Sofer has served two terms on the Executive Board of IFEES (2019-2022) and has served six years as a member of the IFEES Duncan Fraser Global Award Committee (2018-2024), including five years as the Committee Chair. She is currently serving as Vice President for Meetings of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) and has previously served as Academic Director of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineer (IISE), Vice President for Sections and Societies of INFORMS, and as President of the Association of Chairs of Operations Research Departments (ACORD). She has also served on the editorial Board of a number of professional journals. She is an elected Fellow of INFORMS (2016), IISE (2018), and INCOSE (2022).

Yash Tadimalla

Sri Yash Tadimalla is a Ph.D. student in the College of Computing and Informatics at UNC Charlotte, pursuing an interdisciplinary degree in Computer Science and Sociology. As the Technology Focal Point for the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) Science-Policy Interface and the incumbent General Secretary of the World Student Platform for Engineering Education and Development (SPEED), Yash is a staunch advocate for the equitable advancement of STEM education, mental health, and technology advocacy on a global scale. He actively fosters youth participation in STEM initiatives through engagements with United
Nations stakeholder mechanisms and the International Federation for Engineering Education Societies (IFEES).

Yash’s research agenda explores how individual identity influences interaction with and learning of technology, particularly in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Science (CS) education. He has presented his research at distinguished international conferences across North America, South Africa, Western Europe, Australia, and South Asia, serving as a keynote speaker, panelist, and workshop organizer. As an immigrant deeply engaged in technology access research, Yash brings nuanced insights into the intricate connections between educational and technological accessibility and advancing global sustainable development goals. These insights are profoundly shaped by his research, personal journey, and professional experiences. At UNC Charlotte, Yash contributes to various NSF research projects under the Center for Humane AI, the Center for Education Innovation (CEIR) Lab, and the Human-Centered Computing (HCC) Lab. He also serves as the President of the Charlotte Human-Centered Research Group.

GEDC Chair (2023 - 2025)

Sushma Kulkarni


NICMAR University

Dr. Mrs. Sushma Shekhar Kulkarni is the Vice Chancellor of NICMAR University. She was formally the Director at Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Maharashtra, India. She holds Ph.D in Civil Engineering, from Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India.

Sushma Kulkarni has 28 years of teaching experience in civil engineering programs. Her area of interest are Concrete Technology, TQM, Quality Circles, Construction Management, Watershed Management, Outcome based Engineering Curricula and Best Practices in Engineering Education and have contributed more than 75 research papers in National & International journals and conferences. One provisionally registered Patent titled ‘Academic System based on Mobile Computing Devices’. She has completed sponsored project from Department of Science & Technology. She has authored a book on Total Quality Management by LAP Lambert Publication, Germany. She has visited more than 6 universities globally like United States of America, Singapore and Australia to study Engineering Education System. Dr. Mrs. S.S Kulkarni has been awarded with Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan’s ‘Best Engineering College Principal Award’ by ISTE for the Year 2011, Emerging HRD thinker’s award’ by ISTD for 2011 with Gold Medal. She has contributed in various professional boards like ASEE, USA, IUCEE and Fellow of Institution of Engineers and ISTE. She has served as a chairman in Lead colleges at Shivaji University, Kolhapur. She is working as Editor for International journal ‘Journal of Engineering Education Transformation’, from January, 2014 in collaboration with IUCEE. She was invited as jury in GEDC- Airbus Global Diversity award at Adelaide, Australia in November 2015 & as a Keynote Speaker in the Asian Engineering Education Conference 2016 CDIO at Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao, Hebei, China, March 2016. Dr. Sushma Kulkarni is recognized as one of the 100 Most Influential Directors of India (Education) by World Education Congress, June 2016.

Distinguished Memberships

Fellow of Institution of Engineers, Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi, All India association for Educational Research (AIAER),

Member of  Board of Trustees of  Engineering Education Foundation, Pune,

National Council Member of Indian Society for Training and development (ISTD), New Delhi,

Member of American Society for Engineering Education, USA, Board member of IUCEE, India chapter, Chairman of Lead Colleges, Shivaji University, Kolhapur

Member of various committees like Board of studies of Department of Technology, University of Pune, Ex Member of State level governing body for Hydrological  Data  User’s  Group (HDUG) for Maharashtra State, Academic Council; of Walchand college of Engineering, Sangli, Chairman, Research Review Committee, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

We are honored to announce that our Rising to the Top book series has added TWO new volumes!

Rising to the Top provides an intimate and inspiring look into the experiences that have shaped the lives and careers of women engineering leaders from around the world. By openly sharing their personal journeys in these pages, the authors hope to not only inspire the next generation of engineering leaders, but also provide valuable insight into the challenges facing women engineers around the world, and the opportunities that are theirs for the taking.