Felipe Gómez Gallo
Felipe Gómez Gallo is a Grad student in Environmental Engineering with majors in Environmental and Civil Engineering and a minor in Biodiversity studies and Environmental science from Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. With a great interest in sustainability, climate change adaptation, risk assessment, and engineering education. He is the current President of the Student Platform for Engineering Education Development (SPEED), being a member since 2015, where he was a participant of the 11th Global Student Forum (GSF) in Florence. He has experience as an Ed. Content officer and facilitator from the 12th GSF in Seoul. He served as Educational Content VP in 2017 and 2018, leading both Kuala Lumpur and Albuquerque’s GSF educational content, before assuming the current presidency. Along with this, He is a Climate Reality Leader, a well-being ambassador, and a graduate teaching assistant.