1.1 The name of the organization is the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies, hereinafter referred to as “IFEES.” IFEES is an international, non-profit, non-governmental organization, operating under the laws of the headquarters’ location (currently the United States of America).
1.2 The missions of IFEES are to enhance the effectiveness of member organizations and to contribute to the improvement of engineering education around the world.
1.3 To achieve its missions, IFEES can receive gifts, grants, and legacies, own property, and, having received the necessary permission, raise funds through public subscriptions and from other sources.
1.4 The official language of IFEES is English and the language of the host organization’s country.
2.1 IFEES is an organization of institutional members and has six general categories of membership:
a) the category of Engineering Education Organizations (EEOs), which are national and international membership organizations having a broad base of engineering faculty and/or engineering education institutions as members, and whose main goal is the improvement and support of engineering education.
b) the category of Special Interest Organizations, such as:
1. Engineering student organizations;
2. Organizations which actively promote engineering education in a more limited manner than those of a, above, either focusing on specific topics (e.g. engineering ethics, engineering discipline- specific organizations) or carrying out specific activities (e.g. meetings) with without a broad membership base;
c) the category of Corporate Partners, which are organizations and companies with an expressed interest in the promotion and/or provision of engineering education and training for their staff;
d) the category of Professional Engineering Organizations, other than EEOs, to include regional federations and foundations;
e) the category of Government Entities, which are governmental and quasi-governmental organizations which support and/or are interested in engineering education and training.
f) the category of Academic Partners, which include academic departments, centers, divisions with specific focus on engineering education, or colleges which employ faculty members with demonstrated interest in engineering education and pedagogy.
2.2 Application for membership will be submitted to the Secretary General, who, after determining eligibility, will then submit the application to the Officers for approval. Membership is effective from the date the application is approved by the Officers.
2.3 IFEES members will be expected to promote the objectives of the Association. The members shall:
2.4 Annual fees for the different classes of membership will be proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority vote of the affected organizations in the Assembly of Members.
2.5 Any member may withdraw from IFEES by informing the Secretary General or the President in writing. Withdrawal will take effect at the end of the existing term of the withdrawing organization’s membership, or at any earlier date specified by the withdrawing organization.
2.6 Termination of membership in IFEES may be effected by the Executive Committee with immediate effect if a member, after a written reminder, has failed to pay the annual membership fee within one year of the date due or if a member does not comply with these bylaws, or is otherwise determined by the Executive Committee to have acted in a manner harmful to the objectives of IFEES. Following the termination of membership, the terminated member has the right to appeal to the Member Assembly, which can be contacted by the Secretariat via e-mail.
2.7 Any member withdrawing or terminated from IFEES relinquishes any rights to IFEES’ assets.
3.1 The decision-making bodies of IFEES are the Assembly of Members (hereinafter known as the Assembly), the Executive Committee, and the Officers. The general management of IFEES’ activities and the implementation of policy will be the responsibility of the Executive Committee.
3.2 The President will preside at the Assembly of Members Meeting, meetings of the Executive Committee, and meetings of the Officers.
4.1 Each member organization will select an individual to represent the organization in the Assembly of Members. At any Assembly of Members Meeting, each member organization will have one (1) vote. However, if an individual is selected to represent more than one organization, that individual is allowed to cast a vote for only one of these organizations. Any such individual must select a single organization for which that individual’s vote is being cast.
4.2 An Annual Meeting of the Assembly of Members will be held once a year during international Conferences and Colloquia of a member organization. The host organization will be responsible for covering all related costs of the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting will be convened by the Executive Committee. Meetings of the Assembly of Members may be in person, by telephonic conference call, or a combination of both.
4.3 The Assembly of Members will elect the members of the Executive Committee from those selected by the Nominating Committee at the Annual Meeting. One-half of the Executive Committee members will be elected each year, on a rotating basis. Each Executive Committee member will serve a two-year term, and will be eligible to be elected for a maximum of two successive terms. Those members who are unable to participate in the Assembly of Members, may submit their votes previously by mail to the President and the Secretary General.
4.4 During even-numbered years, the Assembly of Members will elect a President-Elect from those selected by the Nominating Committee at the Annual Meeting. The previously elected President-Elect will take office as President at the end of the Annual Assembly of Members Meeting during the subsequent odd-numbered year. At the end of their term, the President will serve as Immediate Past President for the subsequent year. Those members who are unable to participate in the Assembly of Members, may submit their votes previously by mail to the President and the Secretary General.
4.5 Calls for an Assembly of Members Meeting specifying the agenda will be communicated to the members at least four (4) weeks prior to the meeting. Advance notice specifying the date, location, agenda and modality of the meeting is to be given no later than two (2) months before the meeting.
4.6 The Assembly will review at its meetings the general policies of IFEES and discuss the prospects and developments in engineering education.
4.7 The quorum for each Assembly meeting will be one-quarter (¼) of IFEES members in good standing.
5.1 The Executive Committee will define the general policy of IFEES, and provide the overall guidance and oversight of the operation and management of IFEES, subject to approval by the Assembly.
5.2 The Executive Committee will consist of:
5.3 The responsibilities of the Executive Committee shall include:
5.4 At the first meeting of the Executive Committee after completion of each year’s election, the President will nominate one (1) First Vice President and four (4) Vice Presidents from its membership. This nomination should be confirmed by the Executive Committee. However, if the Executive Committee disapproves, the President and the Executive Committee will negotiate to identify the vice president(s). The First Vice President will act as the Treasurer.
5.5 Each IFEES Vice President will have principal responsibility for leadership on the Executive Committee for one or more aspects of IFEES’ efforts and programs.
5.6 The nomination process and election process will be defined in the Rules of Order adopted by the Executive Committee. A Nominating Committee, usually chaired by the most immediate Past President, will be appointed by the Executive Committee six (6) months in advance of the Assembly of Members Meeting at which the elections are to be held.
5.7 In case of a vacancy on the Executive Committee membership, the President will appoint a replacement for the remaining term of office.
5.8 The Executive Committee will convene at least once a year at the call of the Officers, or on the request of at least four (4) of the Executive Committee members.
5.9 Meetings of the Executive Committee may be in person, by telephonic conference call, or by a combination of both. If necessary for the effective operation of the organization, e-mail or fax-based votes of the Executive Committee may be taken by majority vote of respondents between Executive Committee meetings; these votes must be confirmed at the next in-person Executive Committee meeting.
5.10 Calls for Executive Committee Meetings specifying the agenda will be communicated to the Committee members at least one month in advance.
5.11 Ad-Hoc Committees may be formed to carry out special assignments according to general principles set by the Executive Committee. Ad-Hoc Committees will be convened as determined by the Executive Committee. The chair and members of ad-hoc committees will be appointed by the President with confirmation by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
5.12 The quorum for the Executive Committee meetings is 50% of its voting members plus one (seven members).
6.1 The Officers of IFEES will consist of the President, the President-Elect or Immediate Past President, the four Vice Presidents, and the Secretary General (without vote).
6.2 Should the President not be able to fulfill the term of office, the First Vice President will serve as the acting President. Should that individual be unable to serve, an acting President shall be elected by the Executive Committee from among its members. If the President-Elect is not able to assume the position, the Executive Committee will call for a special election to elect the President.
6.3 The Officers’ term of service is the time from their election until new Officers have been elected.
6.4 The Officers are responsible for developing the agendas of all IFEES-related meetings, and for such other activities as are necessary for the effective operation of IFEES. The Officers are accountable for their activities to the Executive Committee.
6.5 Meetings of the Officers can be in person, by telephonic conference call, or a combination of both.
7.1 The Secretary General will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of IFEES.
7.2 The Secretary General will be appointed by the Executive Committee. The term of office is three (3) years, unless the Secretary General is removed by a vote of two-thirds of the entire Executive Committee; the Secretary General may resign the post without notice. The Secretary General may be re-appointed for additional terms.
7.3 The office of the Secretary General will be the Headquarters of IFEES, and will be located in the host country of IFEES.
7.4 The Secretary General will appoint any auxiliary staff required for the general operation of IFEES.
7.5 The office of the Secretariat will be reviewed and may be rotated every five years beginning on the day of incorporation. A change in the Secretariat Office will be made at the discretion of the Executive Committee, contingent with voting procedures. [Amendment approved 10 May 2010]
8.1 The revenue of IFEES will be derived from:
8.2 The fiscal year of IFEES will be run according to the legal constraints of the country in which the headquarters is located.
8.3 The Secretary General, in subordination to the Executive Committee, will be responsible for the accounts of IFEES and will present the financial accounts of the organization to the Officers for approval no later than four (4) weeks before the Executive Committee meeting in question. The Secretary General will submit a report no later than two (2) weeks before the Executive Committee meeting.
8.4 The signatories of IFEES for routine administrative activities authorized by the Executive Committee will be the Secretary General. For all other documents, the signatories shall be the Secretary General and the President or the 1st Vice-President.
9.1 These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Assembly with quorum present, after receiving a two-thirds (2/3) favorable vote of the entire Executive Committee.
9.2 Proposals for amendments to these Bylaws may be submitted for consideration by any dues paying member of IFEES. Such proposals will be submitted to the Secretary General in written form no later than two (2) months before the Executive Committee meeting at which they are to be discussed.
9.3 IFEES may be dissolved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the General Assembly. On the dissolution of IFEES, the remaining assets will be donated to a non-profit organization which agrees to use the assets to further the objectives of IFEES, as determined by the Executive Committee.
9.4 Any disagreement on interpretation of these bylaws will be resolved by the Executive Committee.
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